Thursday, September 27, 2012


        Today one of my Facebook friends asked me which program is better for him and his wife to try at home, P90x or Insanity. 

What is the difference between both programs?

      P90X is a 90 day workout program that is based on the principle of muscle confusion. (never doing the same workout everyday that way you keep the body guessing and not used to the same workouts) When a person does the same workout at the gym or at home, after a while you stop seeing dramatic results and you tend to hit a plateau.

      Insanity is a 60 day program that is based of Interval Training. The philosophy of this principle is to do bursts of high intensity exercises followed by short rest periods that can range from a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes. By doing this your metabolism is sped up throughout the day. (Crossfit uses this principle)

Which one is more intense?
       They are equally challenging. Through my experience Insanity is harder because its non-stop pace and then you only rest for a couple of seconds. 

How long are the workouts?

Insanity during the first month the workouts are 40 minutes long, cardio abs is 20 minutes. during the second month of the program the routines are from 50-60 minutes.
P90x in average the routines are 55 minutes long with the Ab Ripper being 16 minutes long and the yoga routine is 92 minutes long. 

Which one is better to do at home?

With p90X you are required to get extra equipment like a pull-up bar and resistance bands. 
Insanity all you need to do is move some couches out of the way and you are set to go!


        I have seen the P90X and Insanity supplements and they are very good in quality. the only bad thing is that they might have alot of sugar specially the recovery drinks. i know that you need it to help you recover, but i have never been a big fan of high carb or high sugar anything! i would suggest to just get a regular Protein supplement that you can find and a supplement store, a multi-vitamin, and a fat burner. Anything else that you take is an added bonus, but the minimal is what is listed above. Some of my friends take digestive enzymes, fish oil, CLA, L-Carnitine, etc and its fine i am just very bad with taking supplements i tend to forget to take them. 

Conclusion and my Opinion
       In my opinion i like P90X so much better than Insanity. What i like about P90X is that you use resistance bands, weights, and pull-up bars. so not only will you lose weight but your body will look tight and firm. With Insanity I think you will just lose weight and get some definition. I read on the internet how some people would do a combination of the two. That is a great idea! Combine the cardio of insanity twice a week with the muscle building workouts of P90X the other days is a formula for success. 

Here at New You we use both Principles in our personal training. we like to include high interval boxing or cardio between our workouts that Insanity is famous for, by doing this your metabolism will be sped up throughout the whole day. We use weights and resistance bands the rest of the workout and we try not to do the same workout twice, that way we use the muscle confusion principle. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Crossfit V.S. Weight Training


Im going to explain what is the difference between both into a very simple an understandable explanation. 
         At first i used to think that Crossfit was just a fitness craze, but actually its getting more popular now more than ever. over 4,400 gyms or "boxes" exist right now. Crossfit is a training program that includes functional movements with climbing rope, sprinting, rowing, and other high intensity movements. WOD- or Workout of the Day are normally 20-30 minutes. 
         Notice how i underlined functional movement. Let me give you an example of a funtional movement. If you have to lift groceries from the floor, you don't curl the grocery bag, you actually bent down; squat and stand up. then why should you workout doing isolating movements like bicep curls. in order to be fucntional in your everyday life you need to be working out with fucntional movements like power cleans, burpees, push press, squats, etc. these compound exercies are going to make your life so much easier. 

        Weight training has been around for 100's of years, and it involves isolating movements like bicep curls, bench press, shoulder presses, etc. Even the greeks used weights. In my opinion to reach the body and the look, there is no substitution than weight training. I have numerous friends that have tried crossfit and they say they feel like they are in the best shape of their life but they dont look as good as they used to look when they lifted weights. 

Which is better? 

         In my opinion a combination of both would be ideal, why not get the best of both worlds! isolating movements with compound movements and be a double threat ;). 

           The way i train myself and my clients, is that we split up our bodyparts to 2 body parts a day split. ex: Chest and Back on Monday, Legs on Wednesday, and Shoulders and Arms on Friday. I like to throw in crossfit movements in our workouts, like i said combine the best of both worlds. The only difference is that i realize that i am not 18years old anymore and i don't do upside down pushups or run outside with a sandbag in 100 degree weather. I don't know how people do that. my hats go off to them. 

To look for crossfit style training visit and there are alot of instructions on how to perform these exercises. 

Thank you so much for reading my blog, if you have any questions or subjects you might want me to discuss please inbox me on my facebook. 

Thank you and God Bless you!

Shane Martinez 

Thursday, September 13, 2012


New Supplement Cell K.E.M. Review

    My workout partner and I feel like we need a recovery supplement. Lately we have been very sore, maybe its the old age. lol. 

      On my quest to find the latest supplement i always like to look at the bodybuilding forums to see what everyone is trying. i just don't go into GNC and ask the salesman what to take. In my opinion, you have to do your research and the best recommendation is by other trainers or workout fanatics like us! 

      The product that kept coming up has been CELL K.E.M. by a company called EVOGEN. The brains behind this company is Hanny Ranbod, Jay Cutler and Phil Heath's trainer. The claim is the supplement will help you recover, and make your muscles feel full and hard for the rest of the day with the help of packed amino acids that are necessary specially after working out. When we workout we use alot of energy and nutrients to finish the workout and this product will help you replenish your body. 

       I have been using it for 3 days and the claims look like they have been true. I feel like i just left the gym the whole day my muscles feel hard. We always tell ourselves, man i wish my arms look this big the whole day, well this product helps you. 

       This product is a little pricey it ranges from $45-$55 for a month supply. The way i like to think about it, is i spend the money on stupid things might as well spend it on bettering my body. If you wish to purchase it, we have it available at our gym or you can go to our partners at Supplement Xpress here in town. 

Overall I reccomend Cell K.E.M. i give it 4 stars out of 5.

Thank you so much for reading my blog, i will continue posting reviews on supplements, recipes, workouts, events, etc. Please leave a comment below. 

Your Fitness Friend,

Shane Martinez -New You Fitness Owner